Kampala Uganda Employee Benefits

[UGANDA] Recruit & Retain the Best with Employee Benefits

1000 640 LUTAKOME

Many employers subscribe to the false theory that more money
equals satisfied employee. Whereas it’s true that a solid compensation plan is critical to
attracting and keeping key personnel, the way this plan is executed matters a lot.
Additional cash on one’s payslip is not always the only answer and in many cases
not even the best answer.

Many bonuses and salary increments are often spent and forgotten very quickly.

Allow me to share with you one mode of compensation you would could adopt to
increase on your staff retention.

Why do people work?

That’s the single most important question in the management of talent and how you
answer it speaks volumes about your management style.

“For the money.” a rational employee will answer. Whether this is the best answer
there is doesn’t matter right now but at least we will agree it’s one of the reasons.

Genesis 3.19 says “By the sweat of your face shall you get bread to eat” and this
means we go out to work to search what to eat not only for us but also for our loved
ones who entirely depend on us. People naturally search for this food plus the
security that can ensure its continuity should anything unpleasant happen to the
bread winner rendering him incapable to earn. A sense of security may be the next
basic goal after food, clothing, and shelter. An individual with economic security is
fairly certain that he can satisfy his needs (food, shelter, medical care, and so on) in
the present and in the future.

The employee can be rendered unable to earn through a traffic accident or any
accident of any nature, a bomb blast, an assault during a riot, stroke, or any natural
causes like sickness & a cardiac arrest.

For his family if any of these things happen, it will be time to be chased out of the
rented apartment, school, etc. and if they are lucky to have a village they will end up
there but if they are not lucky at all, you might meet the kids of your former
accountant by clock tower in scotching sun begging for a living.

Why not buy your employees an insurance policy to protect them against all these?
Very affordable products are available for employers and groups in partnership and if
you sign up for them and let your employees know about this initiative will surely
increase their loyalty to the team because there are not so many employers who
have them in place. In case you need to know more about this contact your
insurance broker or the author of this article directly.


An insurer by profession with over a dozen years of industrial experience; hands-on in all classes of insurance. Over the years, I have developed this passion for the insurance industry, and this has been the driving force behind the hard work, the time invested and my achievements.

All stories by: LUTAKOME

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