Movies every business person should watch #07 Office Space
https://lutakome.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/office-space.gif 500 266 LUTAKOME LUTAKOME https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/391166e609081ac85d6984740316d403?s=96&d=mm&r=gThis 1999 comedy features Ron Livingston who acts as Peter Gibbons a very unmotivated IT staff working with a tech company providing solutions on the 2000 switch for a number of clients. His supervisor Bill Lumbergh acted by Gary Cole is as stressful as bosses get.
After a job evaluation by a team of consultants Ron receives a promotion due to his honesty exhibited through his “carefree” approach to the questions asked during his job evaluation and 2 of his colleagues are laid off thereby creating a bond for the three to create a scheme to divert fractions of pennies from the firm’s account after infecting the accounting system with a computer virus with a plan to accumulate a sizeable amount over time. Things go bad in the process and over $ 300,000 in just a matter of days after the scam creation.
The 3 discover the likely consequences are going to result into an arrest, live in fear which results into Ron writing a confession note and slipping it into the office of his supervisor Gary but before the Gary opens the office to read the note there is a major fire that destroys the entire firms and all the records hence the 3 escape scot free as they begin a new life.
The take away is for business managers not to take employees for granted as they can destroy the firm if not well motivated
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An insurer by profession with over a dozen years of industrial experience; hands-on in all classes of insurance. Over the years, I have developed this passion for the insurance industry, and this has been the driving force behind the hard work, the time invested and my achievements.
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